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Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL40-4 - P2 (MC4) - 2 strings
Предлагана цена на дребно
180,09 EUR

Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL40-4 - P2 (MC4) - 2 strings

Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL40-4 - P2 (MC4) - 2 strings
The device is designed to disconnect the DC circuit, when there is a power outage on the AC side, and automatically switch on the DC circuit, when AC power is restored. Such a situation occurs in the event of a power grid failure, or a deliberate shutdown of the power supply to a building when there is a fire hazard. The ProJoy fire protection circuit breaker does not require resetting and is completely maintenance-free.
В склада 7 бр.
The device is designed to disconnect the DC circuit, when there is a power outage on the AC side, and automatically switch on the DC circuit, when AC power is restored. Such a situation occurs in the event of a power grid failure, or a deliberate shutdown of the power supply to a building when there is a fire hazard. The ProJoy fire protection circuit breaker does not require resetting and is completely maintenance-free.
2 кг
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Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL50H-6 - P2 (MC4) - 3 strings
Предлагана цена на дребно
232,74 EUR

Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL50H-6 - P2 (MC4) - 3 strings

Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL50H-6 - P2 (MC4) - 3 strings
·Use for 3 strings, 1500 V and 50 A ·Plastic optional, IP66 Rating ·More reliable and safer with power line control ·Fire retardant V-0 / UV resistant materials used, 25 years life span ·High quality material used, temperature, corrosion, impact resistance ·Clasp design, simple and convenient installation, saving labor costs ·Fully certified, TUV, CE, CB, SAA
В склада 3 бр.
·Use for 3 strings, 1500 V and 50 A ·Plastic optional, IP66 Rating ·More reliable and safer with power line control ·Fire retardant V-0 / UV resistant materials used, 25 years life span ·High quality material used, temperature, corrosion, impact resistance ·Clasp design, simple and convenient installation, saving labor costs ·Fully certified, TUV, CE, CB, SAA
3 кг
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Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL50H-8 - P2 (MC4) - 4 strings
Предлагана цена на дребно
247,26 EUR

Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL50H-8 - P2 (MC4) - 4 strings

Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL50H-8 - P2 (MC4) - 4 strings
Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL50H-8 - P2 (MC4) - 4 strings Automatic Shutdown the DC power of panels when detecting temperature of the area is higher than 70?.Manual ShutdownIn an emergency, firefighters or homeowners can manually turn off the AC power of the distribution box.Manual ShutdownIn an emergency, it can be shut down manuall. Features that distinguish the product: ·Use for 4 strings, 1500 V and 50 A ·Plastic optional, IP66 Rating ·More reliable and safer with power line control
В склада 11 бр.
Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL50H-8 - P2 (MC4) - 4 strings Automatic Shutdown the DC power of panels when detecting temperature of the area is higher than 70?.Manual ShutdownIn an emergency, firefighters or homeowners can manually turn off the AC power of the distribution box.Manual ShutdownIn an emergency, it can be shut down manuall. Features that distinguish the product: ·Use for 4 strings, 1500 V and 50 A ·Plastic optional, IP66 Rating ·More reliable and safer with power line control
3,4 кг
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Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL40H-10 - P2 (MC4) - 5 strings
Предлагана цена на дребно
265,24 EUR

Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL40H-10 - P2 (MC4) - 5 strings

Safety switch PROJOY PEFS-EL40H-10 - P2 (MC4) - 5 strings
·Use for 5 strings, 1500 V and 50 A ·Plastic optional, IP66 Rating ·More reliable and safer with power line control ·Fire retardant V-0 / UV resistant materials used, 25 years life span ·High quality material used, temperature, corrosion, impact resistance ·Clasp design, simple and convenient installation, saving labor costs ·Fully certified, TUV, CE, CB, SAA
В склада 9 бр.
·Use for 5 strings, 1500 V and 50 A ·Plastic optional, IP66 Rating ·More reliable and safer with power line control ·Fire retardant V-0 / UV resistant materials used, 25 years life span ·High quality material used, temperature, corrosion, impact resistance ·Clasp design, simple and convenient installation, saving labor costs ·Fully certified, TUV, CE, CB, SAA
3,6 кг
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В склада:
Safety switch FOXESS S-Box - 2 strings
Предлагана цена на дребно
163,43 EUR

Safety switch FOXESS S-Box - 2 strings

Safety switch FOXESS S-Box - 2 strings
·Number of strings of pv panels: 2 ·Number of input pairs: 2 ·Number of output pairs: 2 ·DC voltage range: 300V - 1500V ·Current range DC: 16A - 50A ·AC voltage range: 100V - 270V ·Rated current: 30 mA ·Inrush current of the disconnector: ~ 100 mA ·Operating current: Max 300 mA ·Potential-free contact: 24 V DC - 300 mA max ·Operating temperature range: -20? to +50? ·Maximum operating temperature before auto shutdown: +70? ·Storage temperature range: -40? to +85? ·Protection type: I
В склада 4 бр.
·Number of strings of pv panels: 2 ·Number of input pairs: 2 ·Number of output pairs: 2 ·DC voltage range: 300V - 1500V ·Current range DC: 16A - 50A ·AC voltage range: 100V - 270V ·Rated current: 30 mA ·Inrush current of the disconnector: ~ 100 mA ·Operating current: Max 300 mA ·Potential-free contact: 24 V DC - 300 mA max ·Operating temperature range: -20? to +50? ·Maximum operating temperature before auto shutdown: +70? ·Storage temperature range: -40? to +85? ·Protection type: I
2,1 кг
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Safety switch FOXESS S-Box PLUS - 4 strings
Предлагана цена на дребно
212,17 EUR

Safety switch FOXESS S-Box PLUS - 4 strings

Safety switch FOXESS S-Box PLUS - 4 strings
·Number of strings of pv panels: 4 ·Number of input pairs: 4 ·Number of output pairs: 4 ·DC voltage range: 1500 V ·DC current range per string: 25A ·AC voltage range: 100 V - 270 V ·Rated voltage: 230 V AC ·Rated current: 30 mA ·Inrush current of the disconnector: ~ 100 mA ·Operating current: Max 300 mA ·Potential-free contact: 24 V DC - 300 mA max ·Operating temperature range: -20? to +50? ·Maximum operating temperature before auto shutdown: +70?
В склада 4 бр.
·Number of strings of pv panels: 4 ·Number of input pairs: 4 ·Number of output pairs: 4 ·DC voltage range: 1500 V ·DC current range per string: 25A ·AC voltage range: 100 V - 270 V ·Rated voltage: 230 V AC ·Rated current: 30 mA ·Inrush current of the disconnector: ~ 100 mA ·Operating current: Max 300 mA ·Potential-free contact: 24 V DC - 300 mA max ·Operating temperature range: -20? to +50? ·Maximum operating temperature before auto shutdown: +70?
2,5 кг
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