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Deye Battery SE-G5.1 PRO-B

  • Težina
  • EAN kod
  • KN kodovi
  • Number of charging cycles
    ≥ 6000
  • Visina
    23 cm
  • Duljina
    67 cm
  • Širina
    56 cm
  • Opis proizvoda
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Možete dodati 2 do 4 proizvoda
Možete dodati max. 4 proizvoda
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Opis proizvoda

Deye Battery SE-G5.1 PRO-B


The Deye SE-G5.1 Pro-B battery battery is an innovative device that brings a new level of energy management. This advanced battery serves as a key component of your energy system, helping you control energy consumption and increase independence from traditional electricity providers.


  • The Deye SE-G5.1 Pro-B battery allows for intelligent monitoring and management of energy consumption in your home or business. It provides full control over when and how you use energy.
  • The Deye SE-G5.1 Pro-B battery comes with an energy storage feature. This enables you to accumulate energy during periods of low consumption and utilize it when needed, resulting in cost savings.
  • This battery offers energy independence from traditional electricity providers. Even during power outages, you'll still have access to stored energy.
  • The Deye SE-G5.1 Pro-B battery is an ideal solution for users of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels. You can store excess energy produced by your panels and use it during the night or on cloudy days.
  • Installing and operating the Deye SE-G5.1 Pro-B battery is straightforward and intuitive. It seamlessly integrates into your existing energy system.
  • Deye, as a reputable brand, ensures the reliability and safety of its products. The SE-G5.1 Pro-B battery meets the highest quality standards.

By choosing the Deye SE-G5.1 Pro-B battery, you're investing in a modern solution that helps you efficiently manage energy. Increase the energy independence of your home or business while reducing electricity costs. Harness the full potential of renewable energy sources through electric energy storage. The Deye SE-G5.1 Pro-B battery is the key to effective and sustainable energy management.

Svojstva robe

  • PDV
  • Težina
  • EanCodes
    EAN kod
  • KN kodovi
  • Simbol
    G5.1 PRO-B
  • Number of charging cycles
    ≥ 6000
  • Visina
    23 cm
  • Duljina
    67 cm
  • Širina
    56 cm

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