
Árajánlat kérése

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Trina Vertex S+ TSM-440NEG9R.28 BF

  • Súly
  • EAN kód
  • KN-kódok
  • Power
    440 Wp
  • Type
  • Efficiency
  • No. of BusBar
  • Product warranty
  • Linear power output warranty
  • Maximum static load (front/back)
  • Frame color
  • Frame size
    30 mm
  • Height
    1762 mm
  • Width
    1134 mm
  • Cell type
  • Cell type
  • Ranking
    Tier 1
  • Quantity on pallet
    36 pcs.
  • Quantity in container
    936 pcs.
  • Cable length (+)
    1100 mm
  • Cable length (-)
    1100 mm
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Trina Vertex S+ TSM-440NEG9R.28 BF


Trina Solar is a leading global manufacturer of high-quality photovoltaic modules and advanced energy solutions.

The company has been on the market since 1997.

As part of its operations, it is constantly conducting research in new energy products and developing innovative technologies.


Trina Solar's activities include photovoltaic project development, financing, design, construction and management, and comprehensive system integration solutions for customers.

The company has traditionally been at the forefront of solar energy innovation and holds more than 1,000 patents.


The company is ranked Tier 1 by Bloomberg.



The TSM-440-NEG9R.28 monocrystalline photovoltaic module from the Vertex S+ series with 440 watts of power provides excellent performance and durability thanks to the use of modern n-type cell technology.

This influences the ability to achieve a high efficiency of 22,0%.

In addition, thanks to n-type technology, the model has a reduced level of degradation, which translates into higher energy yield over the module's lifetime. The module also uses multi-busbar technology, which results in a higher level of solar absorption.

The module shows excellent resistance to fire and harsh weather conditions due to the double glass on both sides of the module.

It comes with a long-lasting 25-year product warranty.

The module is compatible with the most popular manufacturers of inverters, optimizers and mounting systems.


It will be great for both residential and commercial photovoltaic installations.


Why choose this product?


- Excellent quality and very long warranty period - 25 years.

- Linear module power guarantee for a period of 30 years. Power degradation in 1 year <1%, subsequent years 0.4% and after 30 years power at 87.4% of the original value

- High efficiency of 22,0%.

- n-type i-TOPCon cell technology

- Double glass

- Multi-busbar (MBB) technology results in lower risk of micro-cracks, slower module degradation, and lower losses.

- Power tolerance of 0/+5 W

- Robust design. The module shows excellent resistance during various weather conditions, including snow (5400 Pa) and wind (4000 Pa).



Az áru jellemzői

  • ÁFA
  • Súly
  • EanCodes
    EAN kód
  • KN-kódok
  • Szimbólum
    Vertex S+ 440W BF
  • Power
    440 Wp
  • Type
  • Efficiency
  • No. of BusBar
  • Product warranty
  • Linear power output warranty
  • Maximum static load (front/back)
  • Frame color
  • Frame size
    30 mm
  • Height
    1762 mm
  • Width
    1134 mm
  • Cell type
  • Cell type
  • Ranking
    Tier 1
  • Quantity on pallet
    36 pcs.
  • Quantity in container
    936 pcs.
  • Cable length (+)
    1100 mm
  • Cable length (-)
    1100 mm
  • Magasság bruttó
    130 cm
  • Hossz bruttó
    200 cm
  • Szélesség bruttó
    115 cm

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