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New products on the photovoltaic market

New products on the photovoltaic market

The photovoltaic market is expanding at a rapid pace, and innovative technologies are opening new doors for us. The research and development teams of the world's largest PV equipment manufacturers understand this well and continue to expand their offerings. Below, we present intelligent solutions that allow for optimal use of solar energy while ensuring user comfort.

New Line of Huawei MBO Hybrid Inverters

Huawei is a brand recognized by most of the world's population, with an estimated 3 billion people currently using its devices. In the field of photovoltaic installations, Huawei primarily offers inverters, energy storage systems, power optimizers, and energy meters. With the increasing strain on power grids, a rapid development of renewable energy storage systems has been observed in recent years. Huawei's engineers also recognized the need to modernize their technological offerings, resulting in the new MBO series of hybrid inverters.

These inverters provide high efficiency in converting DC to AC energy, allowing maximum utilization of solar radiation. Their wide input voltage range from photovoltaic modules makes the devices compatible with various technical solutions. Notable features include a low startup voltage of 200 V and the ability to connect energy storage systems. MBO inverters are compatible with Huawei’s FusionSolar energy management platform, enabling remote monitoring and control of the energy system. These solutions also meet all the necessary certifications and declarations required for use in the EU. This makes them an excellent choice for investors seeking high-quality equipment.

FoxESS EP Energy Storage Systems

FoxESS is a brand with its main shareholder being Tsingshan Group, a Fortune Global 500 company and the world's largest producer of stainless steel. In the photovoltaic market, the company is primarily associated with inverters, AC chargers, safety switches, and energy storage systems. The latter has recently been refreshed with the introduction of the FoxESS EP series. What sets them apart?

The FoxESS EP series consists of high-efficiency, scalable storage systems offering a discharge depth of 90%. Their compact design allows for both floor and wall mounting. With an IP65 protection rating, these devices are resistant to weather conditions. Installers and investors will also appreciate the wide operating temperature range (from 0°C to 55°C during charging and from -10°C to 55°C during discharging), ensuring stable operation in various climates. The system also features convection cooling, which extends the battery’s lifespan. The FoxESS EP5 system can be expanded to a capacity of 20.8 kWh, while the FoxESS EP11 can reach up to 41.6 kWh.

These products are available at the 7SUN wholesale store!

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